How to extend coverage of a WiFi Network?

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To better understand WiFi We must first understand how it work (or Doesn’t work):

In this blog we will talk about how a Wi-Fi network should be extended using examples and experiences that exemplify well the concepts to consider in the design..

WiFi Roaming

A WiFi network should be understood in the same way as an audio system.

We are going to use this analogy to explain it as follows:

If we wanted to design an audio system for a ballroom, but we don’t want to “wire” each speaker, then we will need to set a microphone in each corner so that each microphone listens to the main speaker that comes out of the amplifier, then we would have a scheme like this:

wireless como audio.png

In this scenario, it is easy to imagine that this will be a complete disaster, the microphones will “hear” the sound of the loudspeaker, the murmur of people, the ambient noise and the sound of the “repeater” speakers will be a great chaos and the party will fail.

The correct scenario for an audio system is as follows:

wireless como audio 2.png

In this scenario, each speaker has a cable from the amplifier and all 4 receive the same signal, so the sound will be more isolated from noise factors and the party will be a success.

What happens to the signal of a WiFi network?

We have found on many occasions that companies and individuals seek to improve wireless coverage through “wifi extender repeaters” or by doing MESH. This is the same as with speakers but with radio frequency signals:

wireless con repetidor.png

It is true, the analogy is not completely exact because unlike audio, “wifi repeater” antennas have the ability to discriminate what they will repeat or what they will filter, however they are vulnerable to noise and interference from other signals or bands and the cost of equipment will thus be proportional to the ability to “listen” and “filter” the signals: the lower the cost, the lower the quality.

For the installation of a robust Wi-Fi (wireless) wireless network, the best recommendation is to always carry the signal with a cable, that way, the access points will each emit the internet signal that we want in a clean and clear way:


It is important to consider that the main causes of failures in a network are:

  • “59% of network problems are directly related to the physical infrastructure and its connections”

– Gartner Group

  • “70% of network failures are attributed to network cabling”

– LAN Technologies


Cabling is then the key point to consider when extending a wireless network!




At ITA Tech we are Specialist in WiFi Networks at Mexico and we are Certified Installers of structured cabling systems 


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