Eveniment Signage – TV Screen Content Management

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Do you need to display information or advertisements on multiple screens or TVs from a central administration?

We have noticed that many establishments still use USB drives with videos and images to display promotional information on screens, or they even use HDMI splitters with a computer to share a signal to multiple TV screens.

To address this issue, we have designed Eveniment Signage, a cloud-based digital signage solution that allows you to program what your establishment’s TV screens will display using WiFi.


In the following video, you can learn how it works and see some applications:

Digital Signage

Our Evéniment Digital Signage solution is ideal for Digital Advertising on TV screens with centralized cloud-based management, so no matter where you are, you can have control over what is displayed on your screens or displays.

Capture text, photos, or videos on a laptop and choose how they are displayed on the screens, either by branch or by group of screens.

administración centralizada de pantallas, televisiones y displays

You can remotely manage your internet-connected TV screens with real-time updates without the need to visit each device for updates. You have full control over everything from a central panel accessible via the internet.


Some of its main applications can be:

– Internal Communication on Screens within Corporations or Companies.

Evéniment is ideal for Human Resources departments that want to publish information on screens such as events, corporate agreements, staff birthdays, and make changes from their own computer without the need to approach the screens where the information will be displayed.

comunicación interna pantalla interactiva recursos humanos


– Digital Notice Board in Schools or Universities.

Evéniment is ideal for instantly sharing information about events, news to students, or digital advertising on existing or newly installed screens in schools, universities, or training centers:

tablero digital interactivo para colegios universidades señalización


Event Board and Digital Signage in Hotels, Entertainment Centers.

Evéniment can be used to broadcast updated information about events, promotions, and discounts to hotel rooms on a dedicated channel, all configured from a laptop or computer with great flexibility.

It is also widely used as a Digital Signage solution to display events in hotel function rooms, allowing each room to show relevant information for the client using it.



Some other applications of our Evéniment Signage solution include:

  • Digital advertising in captive audience locations such as restaurants, bars, and public areas.
  • Interactive marketing campaigns for department stores, offers, and promotions.


Are you looking for a solution like Evéniment to manage 1 or more TV screens?

Ask for a demo and learn more by filling out the following form:

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